After Image
After Image tend to frame rooms as devices for shaping and guiding human behavior. In contrast, writers, production designers, and art directors tend to think of rooms as places that have been shaped by the long histories of the characters, substances and objects that have passed through them. In this project, rooms are built as the “After Images“ of the events that have occurred within and around them. The short film speculates how might future dining spaces react to the ongoing environmental hazards by constructing a narrative within a series of rooms negotiating dynamics in between the “cause” and “consequence”.
Conceptual Narration

The project explores the futuristic scenario where typologies of public dining spaces are transformed and mutant responding to extreme conditions. (e.g. global pandemic, sea level rises, climate change, etc.) The space maintains the conventional housing typology as a shell and the trace to the past, while overlaying the emerging technologies as anomaly coexisting with the history.

Instructor: Nathan Su